ASML is currently the largest supplier of photolithography systems for the semiconductor industry, focusing primarily in the production of integrated circuits. Headquartered in Veldhoven, Netherlands, their products are closely related to the “Internet of things” in which one electronic network will eventually connect all everyday household and industrial technologies. Photolithography machines manufactured by ASML are used to produce computer chips, and as of 2010, ASML had a majority share of 67% of worldwide sales of this machinery.
Their manufacturing process has now taken on a more specialist focus in the form of EUV machines (extreme ultraviolet lithography machines), a market expected to grow by 15-20% annually through to 2025, amounting to a value of around €6.4 billion. ASML is currently the only supplier of EUV machines, which are favourable due to their reduced chip-area, faster processing power (20%) and lower power consumption (50%) than 10-nm chip technology.